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Showing posts from July, 2011

Order Shirts- (Are in)

Sizes: (x-small- 1X) (2X) (3X) (4X) (5X) Prices: $10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 Place order: (614) 622-0957

Promise Walk Milestones of Faith

If we could make a summary of our Spirit filled walk with The Lord: the illustration would be something like the map above. We start off careful the acceptance of Jesus is new to us we are uncertain what we must do. Then we catch fire; zeal shoots up in our bones; we desire to tell everyone about our friend Jesus and what he has done for us. Then we face tempatation a place where we are still weak; and many desire to turn back. But if we continue to endure we recieve strength, we become established in the Lord, we gain confidence: going on to perfection, and sanctification. Finally the last mile of the road when th course is completed: we then recieve the Promise in which our Lord Jesus recieve it's first fruits, after being delivered from the grave just 3 days in death.......(Glory., Heaven., Eternal Life) Special Thanks: Assistant Pastor Renee Jenkins research, report the walk from justified onto sanctified through Faith in Our Lord- Amen

Volunteer Job Openings

CMM webpage volunteer oppurtunity open to all Prayer Leaders : Facilitate Prayers as needed Chorus Directors : Cordinate Songs and Rehersal Driver Manager : Oversee communication with all drivers Youth Director : Cordinate youth activity Saftey Director : Assure saftey protocal Signs & Marketing : Assure correct sign representation Pace Leaders : Communicate pace instructions Emergency manager : Quick responder Fitness Director : Instruct stretch and hydration crowd motivator These are the listings as: July 14, 2011 To Volunteer contact: Brother Cyril Butler, Director., CMM (614) 622-0957
Teenage Salvation- My desire for the Walk is to model Christian Men and Women in the community outside the four Walls of the church. Today's teenagers need to see that there is a remnant of believers that believe in them. And since teenagers are the prey of many sources (Armed forces, federal and goverment institution, criminal activity) we desire to show an outlet from death and destruction; the same is acceptance of Jesus Christ, and God the Father perfect plan of salvation. As always my prayers; are with the Saint; and for the repentance of the sinner. Cyril Butler- Director., CMM.